Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Iberian Languages

The linguistic situation of the Iberian Peninsula is very interesting. You can find:

  • Two international languages spoken by millions of people outside Iberia (Portuguese and Spanish).
  • Areas where we can observe a dialectal continuum between different Romance languages.
  • Romance languages in close contact (Galician, Portuguese, Spanish, Catalan, etc.).
  • Political questions related to the use of language (Catalan).
  • Languages in the process of standardization (Bable, Aragonese, etc.). 
  • Tension regarding the status of different linguistic varieties (Valencian).
  • A language isolate of uncertain origin (Basque). 

We also have a British colony speaking a mixture of English and French (llanito, in Gibraltar), a small country with Catalan as the sole official language, but with a lot of Spanish, French and Portuguese speakers, etc. All of this is very well documented.

This blog is about all of that — and much more. Enjoy!
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